Book Review: Dateline: Atlantis
Monday, July 8, 2013 at 10:52AM
Windy City Reviews

DATELINE: ATLANTIS. Lynn Voedisch. Fiction Std., April 16, 2013, Trade Paperback and e-book, 278 pages.

Reviewed by Opal Freeman

Dateline: Atlantis is a well-written novel with a continuous flow of excitement and surprises throughout. Voedisch has graciously combined her experience as a newspaper reporter and author to create an awesome adventure with a purpose. Voedisch specializes in contemporary fantasy, and her specialty is clearly demonstrated in her new book–she is able to interact with the reader as they use their imagination, moving from page to page. I really enjoyed reading the book and appreciated the cover design, sea-blue waters and buried treasures that set the stage.

Amy Quigley, a seasoned news reporter, is challenged with a normal work assignment for the Los Angeles Star newspaper: a possible underwater Atlantis. The assignment becomes far from the norm and involves an unexpected investigation, compounded with issues surrounding family, history, love, murder, mystery, and self-discovery. Amy’s quest for personal and professional closure, as it relates to completing the assignment, exhibits determination and a strong will despite adversity.

The framework of the story provides enough depth and history for each character, so the reader clearly understands their purpose. The ability to keep the reader’s interest is beautifully crafted by alternating the good, the bad, and the ugly, all working towards or against the reporter as she uncovers an underwater lost world. A collaboration of family, friends, and colleagues help initiate the unraveling of documented history and the connection to a missing link in the life of the reporter.

What an awesome ride of adventure. Voedisch is able to project a variety of places and times, a blend of people with different ages, genders, educational levels and interests, and miraculously connect the dots for a greater good. The real adventure lies in reading through the transformation of Amy and the rest of the characters, all with their own reasons for either hiding the truth or uncovering the truth about the underwater activities that initiated the newspaper assignment.

Voedisch’s writing on each page kept my undivided attention. I was captivated by each character and clearly visualized traits of greed, power, business acumen, persistence, resilience, and motivation. The presentation of words, pictures, scenes, and expressions gave me the opportunity to feel a connection with the characters, various climates, suspense and humor, as I read the book from cover to cover.

Voedisch’s style is such that you are drawn to the characters, because she brings them to life. Reading the book was a fun experience, and I found myself rooting for the unexpected but favorable ending. My imagination was elevated and the anticipation of things to happen made it a challenge to put the book down. I highly recommend Dateline: Atlantis for other readers.

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